
My Days on Asian Beach Games

  What a rainy day!I do not like the rainy day,because it just keeps me stay at home.I have nothing to do for the moment.But when I open the window to see the rain,suddenly I remember the 20 days I experienced with my best friends in Haiyang,Shangdong.Because it started on a rainy day,too.What’s more,that day rained dogs and cats,and heavy enough to let anyone remember for the whole life.

  Firstly,I want to give you some information about this Games.The Asian Beach Games (ABG) is a multi-sport event to be held every two years among athletes representing countries from Asia. The games are regulated by the Olympic Council of Asia.The first games was held in 2008 in Bali,Indonesia.And I were a volunteer as an interpreter in that Games.I were so lucky,not only because it was a big event,but also I could be free from universities for about 20 days,haha...
                      (This was my work place!Wonderful!)
  When I arrived there,I was so shocked.Because the house we lived was
 a huge room shared by 8 people.That was a quite”family”.Making new friends is always a good thing!After introduction,we got known to each other soon.

             ( Some of new Friends I made in Asian Beach Games  )
  At that night,the duties had been distributed.I was an interpreter for the Beach Soccer.Actually,I do not like soccer.In my view,it really takes long time,and the result often is 0:0.In addition,the times for those big events are not the people like me who keep early hours.
  But when I really started my interpreter life in the Beach Soccer,I find it was really charming,not only the players themselves,but also the game itself.


1 条评论:

  1. Does Shandong have a rainy season during the summer? South Korea usually has a 2 or 3 week period of heavy rain.

    I'm also curious about your 20 days as a volunteer. Were you in Bali for that whole time?
