As a senior in the university,I really find that time flies so fast.There were four years I have spent in my university with my dear friends and my excellent professors.Summer is a time which is too perfect to say goodbye.
I still can remember one day in first summer of my university’s life.I laid with my best friend on the green grass which is under the oldest tree in our campus,and we watch the sky which is so bright and blue like our future.We knew nothing about our future but enjoy every moment we owned.
I still can remember one day in the second winner of my university’s life.Facing so many tests about my major,I went to our library everyday with my friends.The weather was so cold,but our minds of study were stronger than the cold wind in Yantai’ winter.It was the coldest winter in Yantai,but it was the most good results I have gained that time.
There is a famous saying in China,”When swallow went to South in the winter,they would be back in the next spring;when the willow died in the autumn,they would come alive in the next summer;but why my youth can not return to me anymore? ”
Anyway,time to say goodbye to my university’s life.
Thanks for your efforts this semester.
回复删除Enjoy the rest of your time in Korea, and have a safe trip back to Yantai!